There are plenty of things to worry about and plan for when you consider all the outside threats in cyberspace. Interestingly, for most companies, the weakest link is the insider threat – the employee who has either not been properly trained or let good practices slide, inadvertently opening the door to cyber criminals. Negligence and a lack of training often work hand in hand to create a situation that can take down a company – or at the very least, cause a major inconvenience. In some … [Read more...]
5 Steps to Get Started with Zero Trust Security
Zero trust security is an approach that assumes the untrustworthiness of every user and device until proven otherwise. This is in stark contrast to past security postures which assumed devices and users were valid and trustworthy unless proven otherwise. In the days when a network perimeter could be firmly established, this approach made sense. In an era where the perimeter has eroded to be nearly non-existent, companies require a network security approach that can be applied to every level … [Read more...]
Work-From-Anywhere Security Solutions for 2022
Allowing employees to put their work hours in from the location of their choice was a topic of discussion prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, but when work from anywhere became a mandatory situation in 2020, it was clear that cyber security strategies needed to be addressed in a new way. Identifying the right security solutions is among the most important things companies can prioritize to protect themselves from threats specific to remote work situations. After the initial scramble to equip … [Read more...]
Tips for Preventing Cloud Infrastructure Errors
Approximately 94% of businesses use cloud-based technology. Two years ago when the pandemic brought a sense of urgency to digitize, roughly 61% of businesses migrated their workloads to the cloud, according to statistics from And while the efficiencies found in cloud technology brought much-needed connectivity to these organizations, there is also a bit of risk involved – which is why cloud infrastructure requires an added layer for cyber security protection. One of the biggest … [Read more...]
5 Trends Pushing Digital Transformation Forward
IDC reports that the data analytics market is growing, with $200 billion in spending each year, propelling digital transformation initiatives forward. What’s causing this exponential growth in data management? Findings from Gartner show that 90% of businesses consider information to be a valuable asset that provides a competitive edge. This attitude is both shaping and being shaped by some important trends: Management Solutions As cloud opportunities have grown in recent years, many … [Read more...]
Why Your Company Should Consider DRaaS for Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) offers a variety of services, including hosting, data replication, and recovery – all managed in the cloud to reduce the impact of a power outage, natural disaster, or ransomware attack. All applications, data, and infrastructure are backed up in the cloud using multiple data centers over a wide geographical region. If a natural disaster occurs, the company can utilize the data center in another geographical location for backup. The Key Benefit of … [Read more...]
Cyber Attack Tips: What the Experts Say
2021 was a hard year for cyber attack activity, but it’s possible that 2022 is shaping up to be even more challenging. Cyber security experts are weighing in on steps to take to reduce the risk of getting hit by an attack. According to CheckPoint Research, in 2021 there were more than 100,000 malicious websites and 10,000 malicious files circulating daily. Nearly 90% of organizations have had some sort of cyber exploit experience or attempted exploit occur, and 46% have had one employee … [Read more...]
Security Breaches: Can Zero Trust Be the Answer to Stopping them?
Anyone with IT experience can tell you that the more complex the system is, the more difficult it is to keep it secure from breaches. You don’t have to be an IT expert to know that systems aren’t getting any less complex. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, including in the cloud – which means juggling the variety of solutions can be a handful, even for organizations with a fully staffed IT team. Go-To Strategies: Do They Work? It seems there is no shortage of security challenges out … [Read more...]
Demystifying Secure Access Service Edge
The emergence of secure access service edge, also referred to as SASE, has emerged as a priority investment for companies pursuing a cloud-first positioning for their technology strategy. In order to demystify SASE, it helps to know a bit about software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) as well as anything as a service (XaaS) and cloud security challenges. What Is SASE? In its simplest description, secure access service edge integrates security functions and features with SD-WAN. SASE … [Read more...]
Network Automation Slowed by Manual Data Collection
Network automation is an essential part of optimizing your data center, but too many IT teams are stuck in a rut when it comes to manual data collection. This is according to new survey results provided by Enterprise Management Associates. Almost half, or 48%, noted that their data center automation tools demand at least some manual data collection. To clarify, manual data collection can come in many forms, but consider this example: a network administrator wants to make a change in their … [Read more...]