Approximately 94% of businesses use cloud-based technology. Two years ago when the pandemic brought a sense of urgency to digitize, roughly 61% of businesses migrated their workloads to the cloud, according to statistics from Techjury.net. And while the efficiencies found in cloud technology brought much-needed connectivity to these organizations, there is also a bit of risk involved – which is why cloud infrastructure requires an added layer for cyber security protection.
One of the biggest threats facing organizations that jump into cloud-based solutions is that too many of them are understaffed in the IT department, but they are also lacking the skills required to establish strong cloud security strategies.
The organizations that get it right either embark on plenty of planning prior to implementation or have sought out the assistance of third-party professionals who offer advice on how to stay out of harm’s way.
To Err Is Human
This should come as no surprise, but when an organization experiences a security breach it’s often due to human error. For example, too many cloud solutions are misconfigured, leading to what becomes a glaringly obvious open door to cyber criminals who know exactly where to look for cloud infrastructure weaknesses.
Cloud vendors can only offer so much protection on their end, which is why it’s crucial for customers to do everything in their power to implement solutions correctly and configure all application program interfaces (APIs) in a secure fashion.
Gain More Visibility
How many unauthorized assets do you have threatening your environment? Most can’t answer that question – if they knew, they would have already taken steps to mitigate those risks. The fact is that there are often risks associated with shadow IT because this process involves something employees have done to improve their workflow without approval, therefore there is no visibility into the risks these solutions create.
Security teams need to hold everyone accountable and develop a unified approach where there is full visibility. Furthermore, they should also implement monitoring solutions to keep an eye on traffic and flag all suspicious activity.
Partner With the Best
Never take the trial-and-error approach when your sensitive data is at risk. Instead, partner with a trusted organization that knows about all the technology available to you today and the solutions that are a custom fit for your needs. When you partner with Independent Connections, that’s what you get. We manage your IT so you can manage your business, and that includes your cloud infrastructure. Contact us and let’s discuss our approach to setting you up with the best solutions.