Power BI is a Microsoft tool that helps businesses visualize their data and make informed decisions that allow teams to be magicians of data. Through its suite of tools and features, businesses can quickly gain insights into their data and build data models that allow for quick analysis. With Power BI, organizations can stay ahead of the competition by more easily identifying trends in their data and making decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information. Why Companies Choose Power … [Read more...]
By Allen Pangilinan - IndyConn's Director of Innovative Solutions As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19 and the country approaches the reopening of businesses and offices, we all need to be persistent in controlling the spread of the virus. As a result, new rules, regulations, and recommendations are being implemented to keep the workplace safe and clean. Traditionally, a clipboard, a piece of paper, and a pen is all that is needed to keep a record of when … [Read more...]