Since the dawn of the cloud era, shadow IT has been an issue. Even if you don’t recognize the term, you are familiar with shadow IT, as it refers to any devices, software, or other technology accessed by members of your organization without going through the normal procurement steps. The catch-22 of cloud solutions is that they are so simple to download and use that employees often forget that what they are doing is accessing technology without the approval of IT. They may find a project … [Read more...]
Build Your Core Business by Outsourcing Your IT Needs
Congratulations! You and your startup business have made it past launch and are scaling up. Or perhaps you’re a mature company that is refining their process. In either case, your focus is now on your core business and you want to stay agile and responsive to your customers. You may have reached the stage where you’re wondering whether you should grow your own IT Department, or whether it makes more sense to partner with an IT firm that can use their resources and expertise to support your … [Read more...]